Transparency Strategy

The Municipal Transparency and Corruption Prevention Strategy is one of the measures included in Lisbon's Major Planning Options 2022-2026, as part of Pillar 1, “A participatory city”.

The strategy aims to strengthen transparency, acting at the level of organizational culture, the internal system and accountability. Dignifying public service, as well as raising awareness and encouraging the internalization of ethics in municipal activity, restoring citizens' confidence in the quality and reliability of services.

The design of this Strategy is the result of a wide-ranging participatory process involving workers, leaders, elected representatives and specialists in these matters. After a public consultation period of 30 working days, which made it possible to gather contributions from citizens to improve the document, the final version of the Transparency and Corruption Prevention Strategy was unanimously approved at a town hall meeting in March 2024 and in July, approved by a majority in the Municipal Assembly.

This strategy proposes a very clear direction for CML for the period 2023-2026, based on the following vision:

To make CML's organization based on clear, transparent, ethical, accountable management and geared towards providing fast and transparent services for citizens and companies.

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Strategic axes

Our strategy is based on three pillars:

people, Organization and City.

And on three pillars of intervention:

prevention and control, Accountability and Participation.


The crossing of the axes with the pillars, aligned with the current challenges of Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity, Personal Data Protection and Information Security and Sustainability, will allow us to develop and implement measures aimed at strengthening a culture of organizational ethics, with planning and permanent accountability, in order to prevent corruption risks and ensure fast, transparent services with a clear and accessible language.

Project Evolution

Implementation of the Transparency and Corruption Prevention Strategy at Lisbon City Council

Project progress on a timeline

última atualização: 06.12.2024