Corruption Prevention
Ensuring transparency and integrity in the municipality, contributing to the efficient implementation of the Municipal Strategy for Transparency and Prevention of Corruption.
Implementing an effective risk management model, aligned with preventive policies, strengthens internal processes and minimizes the possibility of irregularities in municipal procedures.
To build an effective prevention model in the fight against corruption and fraud, it is necessary to adopt measures that involve everything from continuous training of employees to the creation of monitoring and control mechanisms.
The General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (RGPC), established by Decree-Law no. 109-E/2021, defined a set of mechanisms to support the construction of this model.
Mechanisms to prevent corruption
Developed in the Municipality of Lisbon in accordance with Decree-Law no. 109-E/2021
Essential for protecting the organization against legal and reputational risks, promoting a culture of integrity and transparency.
It is a set of guidelines, policies and procedures implemented by an organization to ensure that all its employees, as well as the entity itself, act in compliance with the laws, regulations and standards applicable to their sector of activity. This program aims to prevent, detect and respond to any improper or illicit practices that may occur in the corporate environment.
The person responsible for regulatory compliance at CML, also known as the compliance officer, was appointed by order no. 14/2024
Implemented in 2010, it has been monitored and updated, incorporating the recommendations of the Corruption Prevention Council, as well as the results of the annual monitoring reports.
The Plan identifies and classifies the management risks in the areas of municipal activity that are susceptible to acts of corruption and related offenses, as well as the respective preventive and corrective measures to reduce the likelihood of occurrence and the impact of the risks and situations identified
The last revision of the Plan took place in 2019, following the organic adjustment, and it is currently in force with the updates resulting from the respective annual implementation and interim evaluation reports.
Plan in force
The Plan is a strategic and operational management tool that identifies, measures, monitors and controls the main management risks faced by Lisbon City Council in the pursuit of its mission.
Reports on the Plan for the Prevention of Management Risks, including Corruption and Related Offenses - PRGCI
It establishes the general principles and rules of conduct applicable to professional ethics to be observed by all those who exercise functions in the Municipality of Lisbon, both in their relationship with each other and in the relationships they have established or will establish with any external entities.
This Code was drawn up by the Quality Management and Auditing Department, with the support and opinion of the Municipal Transparency Working Group and the Municipal Transparency Network, and with contributions from trade union structures and all elected officials with and without portfolio in the municipal executive.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Approved unanimously at the City Council meeting of September 16, 2022 and published in Municipal Bulletin no. 1492 - 3rd supplement, of September 22, 2022 and in Diário da República, no. 201, of October 18, 2022.
Zero Tolerance Policy for Moral and Sexual Harassment
The Municipality of Lisbon's commitment to preventing and combating moral and sexual harassment at work, which includes a set of measures such as: information, awareness-raising, training and support for victims. This set of harassment practices and behaviors are defined in the Lisbon City Council's Code of Ethics and Conduct - article 9.
Regulation of the CML's procedure for combating moral and sexual harassment within the scope of the Lisbon City Council's Code of Ethics and Conduct
Published in Municipal Bulletin no. 135 of July 20, 2023, by means of Order no. 113/P/2023
The Reporting Channel of the Municipality of Lisbon (ML) allows all those who work there and any natural person who has a direct or indirect relationship with ML to report situations of non-compliance with the principles and values of an ethical nature and/or situations of illegality, such as corruption and related infractions, found within the scope of municipal activity.
Carrying out internal training programs for all managers and employees, so that they know and understand the policies and procedures implemented to prevent corruption and related infractions.
Seminar on Ethics, Integrity and Corruption Prevention
may 24, 2024 | October 25, 2024
This seminar aims to raise awareness of the issues associated with ethics, integrity and transparency in public administration. It also aims to identify CML's corruption prevention instruments, specifically the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Whistleblowing Channel and the Plan for the Prevention of Risks and Related Infractions.
The first cycle of sessions was attended by 383 participants.
Ethics, Integrity and Corruption Prevention Meetings
Aimed at elected representatives and members of their offices, these meetings are designed to identify the instruments of CML's regulatory compliance program and CML's system of principles, values, practices and standards, as well as to raise awareness of the importance of self-responsibility and the impact of individual behaviour in promoting an ethical culture at CML.
Internal control system - article 15
CML's Internal Control System aims to ensure that the entity's activities are carried out in an orderly, efficient and transparent manner.
Get to know the internal control instruments that reinforce the prevention and detection of risks of corruption and related infractions: